GM Archive / Professor Michael Wilson collection relating to genetically modified foods, crops, research and industry
Collection of charts depicting the hardware and uses of computing, communication and domestic technology in India
13 boxes; 1.65 linear metres GM Archive / Professor Rosemary Hails collection of GM reference and source material
1 box GM Archive / Dr. Andrew Cockburn collection relating to the genetically modified foods industry
120 items and 12 large folders GM Archive / Professor Philip J Dale collection relating to genetically modified foods industry
205 PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'
3 envelopes containing 98 items Collection of photographic prints relating to Bloom Street Power Station and National Grid Works in South Manchester
The papers are the associated technical documents for development of the Central Tracking Detector (CTD) for the ZEUS experiment, Germany’s DESY accelerator. They include lab notebooks, project reports, photographs, engineering drawings, technical proposals, technical reports, and project videos. In addition to scientific and technical papers, the archive includes papers relating to project budgets and the transportation of equipment between England and Germany. The CTD was designed and built by a consortium of several UK institutes, including Oxford University, Imperial, UCL, Bristol, RAL, and Glasgow. It sat at the heart of the ZEUS detector, with the wider experiment involving 450 physicists and engineers from institutes around the world. ZEUS was run on the Hadron-Electron Ring Accelerator (HERA) at DESY in Hamburg. Techniques developed for the CTD are now used in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Documents related to development of the ZEUS Central Tracking Detector.
1 bankers box; 0.50 linear metres GM Archive / Martin Livermore collection comprising material about genetically modified crops and agricultural biotechnology
3 boxes; 1.50 linear meters GM Archive / J.A Combes collection relating to genetically modified foods, crops, research and industry
220 Thesis entitled 'William Thomson's Inventions for the Submarine Telegraph Industry: A Nineteenth-Century Technology Program'
Loose leaf engineering manual for design, research and development applications with Gardner Commercial Division. Manual is in five tabbed sections labelled: 'General Procedures'; 'Design Department Procedures'; 'Research and Development'; 'Applications Procedures' and 'Appendices'. Manual: 'Engineering Manual 003'
Spiral bound information booklet prepared for Mr Neil Martindale of L Gardner & Sons Ltd for his visit to the Nottingham Boat Show from May 18th to 21st 1995. Includes booking information, a plan of the exhibitors, details of the Gardner stand and tabbed sections containing information on various Gardner engine products. Manual: '2LW Marine Engine Technical Information'
Photocopy of magazine article in 'Waterways World' about John Glock's experience of installing a Gardner 2LW engine in his canal narrowboat. Magazine article - '2LW or not 2LW'
Single page correction to the notes on Gardner engine history [see 2016-2011/3/8]. Document - 'a correction to information given previously'
Leaflet giving performance specifications for the LG12-300 and LG12-280 engines. Leaflet - 'Gardner Automotive Engines - LG1200 Euro 2 range'
Leaflet giving performance specifications for the Heavy Duty LXB 150 and the Light Duty LXB 175 engines. Leaflet - 'Gardner Marine Propulsion Engines - LXB range'
Leaflet giving performance specifications for the Heavy Duty LXB 150 and the Light Duty LXB 175 Reman engines. Leaflet - 'Gardner Marine Propulsion Engines - LXB Reman range'
A letter dated 13/3/1996 from DG Houghton to Alan Hilton referring to a 'dental engine' made by Gardners in 1891. Attached is a costing sheet giving the breakdown of its cost, also that of a 'hospital Morrison chair', and a colour photo of the dental engine. Letter, costing sheet and photo referring to a 'dental engine'
Leaflet giving performance specifications for the Heavy Duty LG400H and the Medium Duty LG420M engines. Leaflet - 'Gardner Marine Propulsion Engines - LG range'
Leaflet giving description and technical specification of the 6LXB and 6HLXB engines. Leaflet - 'Gardner 6LXB & 6HLXB Automotive Engines'
Photocopy of an extensive article in 'Stationary Engine' magazine spread over two months chronicling the history of the Gardner company from its earliest days in 1868 [later month(s) missing]. Magazine extract - 'The Gardner Story'
2 page leaflet giving technical specs for the LG200H (heavy duty) and LG225M (medium duty) marine propulsion engines. Bulletin No. 3377536. Leaflet - 'Marine Propulsion Engines - Performance Data and General Specification'
5 pages of photocopied handwritten notes by an unidentified author ['Dion'?] containing a history of Gardner engines. Loose leaf sheets - untitled